tru-ip amiCA
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The objective of the Tru-IP AMiCA project is to build a market-ready demonstrator that targets real-world experimentation around the use of new tokenisation mechanisms for the protection, exchange, and IPR management of cultural assets.
Designed and developed by Compellio, Tru-IP AMiCA targets the lifecycle management of Real World Cultural Assets (RWCA) through the use of tokenised Digital Cultural Asset Passports (DCAP).
Digital Product Passports (DPPs) are an important element of the EU digital strategy, aimed at providing access to verifiable information by citizens, businesses, public bodies, and consumers within the Single Market and globally.
Our objective is to extend the scope of Digital Product Passports by developing the next-generation infrastructure components that will provide the technical backbone for building interoperable compliance & assurance solutions for cultural institutions and professionals.
- Motivation for the project: Our motivation is to accelerate the pace of adoption of decentralization technologies by facilitating an open approach to identifying and managing Real World Cultural Assets. Our ambition is to contribute and support the work towards the common European data space for cultural heritage - the new flagship initiative of the European Commission to accelerate the digital transformation of Europe’s cultural sector and foster the creation and reuse of content in the cultural and creative sector. So far, the lack of harmonised approaches in decentralised technologies has created large fragmentation in service design approaches. As a result, interoperability is addressed ad hoc by ununified methods, a fact that hinders scalability, slows adoption, and limits inclusion. Specifically for Real World Cultural Assets with IP-derived value, the expected growth impact is staggering. The goal of creating robust technical capabilities that can facilitate secure and interoperable management of cultural assets feels more urgent than ever before. Not only for protecting cultural heritage and creative assets but also for creating the “new digital rails & bridges” that modern cultural institution can use to connect globally.
- Generic use case description: The Tru-IP MiCA project is the natural continuation of our work within the 1st EU Blockchain Regulatory Sandbox. Europe leads the way in setting up advanced regulatory frameworks and guiding principles for all breakthrough innovations. Although there are still challenges that hinder the wider adoption of blockchain tech by public and private organisations, we believe there is momentum in addressing domains such as cultural goods/heritage and IP management, also because of the following opportunities: • Substantial focus on blockchain tech, related business models, and legislative effort is channelled to the finance sector (total size of illiquid asset tokenisation would be $16 trillion by 2030), especially through the MiCA Regulation. Such efforts set the scene for a larger set of use cases beyond finance, where the value in exchanging Real Worl Assets encompasses several dimensions from economic to social as well as environmental aspects. • Implementing new solutions in traditional industries and markets opens an immense potential for further digitalisation where integrations of blockchain with existing electronic platforms and services largely remain untapped.
- Essential functionalities: The core functionalities of the Tru-IP AMiCA solution will include: a) Tokenisation of Real World Cultural Assets (RWCA): This work will make use of the Europeana Data Model (EDM) to map asset data according to the EU semantic interoperability framework of EDM that allows collection, connection and enrichment of cultural heritage metadata. b) Lifecycle management of Digital Cultural Asset Passports (DCAP) to enable new innovative ways for protecting, tracing, sharing, and managing derivative IP work using open licenses (e.g. Creative Commons).
How these functionalities can be integrated within the software ecosystem: Using our solution’s API, cultural institutions and professionals will be able to define, identify, and manage the lifecycle of any type of Real World Cultural Asset. Tru-IP MiCA will be developed with different users and use cases in mind, building upon defined processes that facilitate data sharing within/across member states, and through the work of the Europeana Knowledge Base and Interoperability toolbox.
The following capabilities will be provided:
- Manage the lifecycle of Digital Cultural Asset Passports
- Have choices & flexibility, without lock-in (blockchain agnostic)
- Start easily with a simple integration
- Avoid investing in costly new infrastructures & skills
- Comply to security policies & privacy regulations (e.g. EU GDPR)
- Alleviate data confidentiality & governance concerns - Leverage DLTs without holding & managing crypto. - Gap being addressed: With this project, we plan to extend the coverage of our Digital Passport solution within the cultural sector. This will significantly assist us in advancing our vision for a unified multi-sector Digital Passport solution. DPPs are an important element of the EU digital strategy, aimed at providing access to verifiable information by citizens, businesses, public bodies, and consumers within the Single Market and globally. Our objective is to extend the scope of DPPs by developing the next-generation infrastructure components that will provide the technical backbone for building interoperable compliance & assurance solutions for Real World Cultural Assets.
- Expected benefits achieved with the novel technology building blocks: Our work is intended to deliver the following benefits: • Facilitate trusted and traceable management of Real World Cultural Assets using next-gen tokenisation mechanisms; • Augment existing EU technical frameworks with modular components for trusted data exchanges and federated models; • Strengthen IT systems’ reliability, security, auditability, and interoperability. The benefits from this endeavour do not only entail operational efficiencies in terms of higher auditability and accountability standards, but more importantly they catalyse added value for the real economy.
- Potential demonstration scenario: Our demo scenarios will be targeted to the following users and use cases: • Professionals at a cultural heritage institution working with metadata and sharing them with an aggregator at a regional, national, and EU level. • Metadata coordinators at an aggregator to verify data quality checks and processes related to sending data for ingestion. • Creators and/or owners of derived IP assets to protect against rug-pulls, double-spent, counterfeits as well as unlock new business models and open licenses. We aim to bring project’s results closer to the market (i.e. for cultural institutions, museums, national IP agencies, etc.), through federated business models for Aggregators with the aim to incentivise democratic operations and accommodate for new economic models around the trusted creation and management of Real World Cultural Assets.
Denis Avrilionis
Entrepreneur in the software industry since 2001. Having created and managed both business consulting and software product companies for more than 20 years, he acquired experience in the whole business life cycle from early design to the commercialization of software products and services.
Denis was the co-chair of the Supply Chain Working Group at the International Association of Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA) and has worked as the domain expert for the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) Traceability Use Case.
Theofilos Papasternos
Theofilos is active in driving commercial projects and collaborations with the industry. He is an Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation at the University of Luxembourg with a background in business economics and finance.
His focus is on enterprise business cases of web3, activities related to business analysis, product development, and commercialization.
Daniel Vincent
Daniel is managing development at Compellio. Before joining Compellio, Daniel worked in the banking sector in France, Luxembourg, and Switzerland where he managed large development teams in delivering core banking applications.
Photis Avrilionis
Photis is a senior software engineer with 8 years of experience, holding a bachelor’s degree in computer science from the Grenoble-Alpes University.
He is currently working at Compellio S.A doing development and research on novel uses of blockchain technology. He also carries out full-stack development of consumer applications and manages the deployment infrastructure (development operations).
Compellio is an acknowledged provider of global infrastructure components for bridging the gap between web2 & web3 computing.