Trustworthy digital identities and data are the focus of this TRUSTCHAIN Open Call 1 (OC1) on “Decentralised Digital Identity”. This Open Call 1 welcomes applications that will clearly define, upgrade/extend the state-of-the-art, and develop the following types of solutions:
The above system examples are only indicative, and applicants can propose solutions that integrate one or more of them. Applicants can also submit a proposal under a different example scenario, as long as it serves the overall TRUSTCHAIN vision and objectives and fits within the scope of human centric decentralised trustworthy digital identity. It should utilize existing concepts and technologies already developed for SSI and fit within TRUSTCHAIN’s vision and objectives.
Applicants are invited to submit their proposals on any topic that serves the overall TRUSTCHAIN OC1 vision and objectives. Their proposed solution should consider as minimal requirement to:
Proposals are submitted in a single stage and the evaluation process is composed of three phases as presented hereafter:
As part of the TRUSTCHAIN action, experts in diverse fields will also provide to Third-party innovators selected technology development guidance, working methodology as well as access to technical infrastructure, training in business model development and data-related topics, coaching, mentoring, visibility and community building support.
Selected projects will last for a duration of 9 months. TRUSTCHAIN overall action lasts 36 months, so the selected participants are requested to join at any of the future Joint Meetings even after these 9 months. The goal of this extended participation is knowledge and know-how transfer to TRUSTCHAIN OC2-5 and for the development of the TRUSTCHAIN ecosystem as a whole.
The target Applicants of this call are developers, innovators, researchers, SMEs and entrepreneurs working on different NGI relevant topics and application domains at the intersection between the technical field ( e.g Software Engineering, Network Security, Semantic Web, Cryptography, Blockchain, Digital Twin, Blockchain Security, Digital Identity, Blockchain Protocol), the Social sciences and Humanities (e.g Social Innovation, not-for-profit sector, Social Entrepreneurship, public goods) as well as any others including economics, environment, art, design, which can contribute to NGI TRUSTCHAIN relevant vision.
Applicants can apply as individuals or linked to a legal entity. Hence, the participation is possible in several ways:
Team of individuals, all established in any eligible country. This does not consider the country of origin but the residence permit.
One or more entities (consortium) established in an eligible country.
It can be Universities, research centres, NGOs, foundations, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (see definition of SME according to the Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC), large enterprises working on Internet or/and other related technologies are eligible.
Only Applicants legally established/resident in any of the following countries (hereafter collectively identified as the “Eligible Countries”) are eligible:
TRUSTCHAIN was launched in January 2023 to address the inherent challenges within the current centralised Internet architecture that is not transparent to the user, does not protect the privacy-by -default and does not scale well through 5 Open Calls and an overall budget of 8,775 M €.
Learn more about the TrustChain project
This document is the open call announcement.
This document provides in detail the information to help apply to the TrustChain Open Call 1 such as an abstract of the TrustChain action, a description of the TrustChain open call 1, the modalities for application, the evaluation process, the scheme of the funding support, the IPR aspects related to TrustChain and how to prepare and submit a proposal:
This document also contains in annex the Administrative forms preparation template, the proposal description template and the TrustChain additional applicant’s template.
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