Interview: Meet DID4EU team!

DID4EU project stands for Decentralized Identity Infrastructure for Europe. This project extends’s existing open source infrastructure.
Learn more about the latest advancements of this team in the interview below.

Can you briefly present your team? offers open source identity and wallet infrastructure already used by thousands of developers as well as governments, public authorities and businesses across industries.

How did you come up with this project idea and what benefits will it bring to the end users?

This project enabled us to extend our open source solutions to comply with the upcoming eIDAs2 regulation. For example by adding support for mobile driver’s license (ISO) and SD-JWTs (IETF). 

How is TrustChain supporting your growth and what role does it play for the next steps in your development?

Trustchain is creating an interesting community of projects in the decentralized identity space and driving many great developments that we want to be a part of.

Why did you apply to the TrustChain call and has your vision changed since then?

We applied because the program focus was and still is perfectly aligned with our product and company vision and roadmap.

What is the most valuable takeout from the TrustChain project and why was the topic of the Open Call important to you/your team?

Interactions with other projects have been very interesting and we saw several projects benefit from our open source tools, which was great to see.

Did you establish collaboration with any of the TrustChain teams or plan for any kind of synergies? If yes, what is the biggest potential in such collaborations?

Yes, we’ve seen several projects using our open source software to build applications and use cases and are already curious to see the results of other projects by the end of the grant program.

What are your expectations regarding the TrustChain software ecosystem and its contribution to the NGI priority areas?

We believe it was a great program that supported many interested projects and could positively contribute to the NGI priority areas.

What are the next steps for your team?

We are focused on shipping all deliverables as proposed for the program while scaling our company to support customers across Europe and beyond

What is the message you would give to new and potential applicants to TrustChain Open Calls?

Apply for the program, it was a great fit for us and we really benefited from it!

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