
Flowback logo

Flowback is an open-source decision system that aims to transform collective decision making through the innovation Predictive Liquid Democracy (PLD). Our platform combines fast and flexible decentralised decision making through liquid democracy with prediction markets that crowdsource the wisdom of the masses and artificial agents.

By using PLD, Flowback aims to create decision-making processes that are resistant to misinformation, aligned with collective goals, and informed by ideas and quality predictions from not only human agents but also virtual artificial agents. The goal is to turn organisations into Bayesian updaters that make the optimal decision with regards to the available information and with regards to the organisation’s goals as expressed by the members in a democratic voting process.

Flowback serves a diverse audience, including non-profits, decentralized networks, political parties, educational institutions, corporations, and government entities, all looking to enhance their governance structures and tap into collective intelligence. The system aims to be scalable and adaptable to various sectors, making it a versatile tool for entities of all sizes.


Samuel Färdow Kazen

Project Manager

Organisational Developer with background in Cognitive Science and Philosophy. Samuel has delivered numerous lectures and workshops on the intersection of economy, cognitive science and democratic decision-making.



Loke Hagberg

Technical and research Lead

Mathematical Economist and IT Architect. Loke is the visionary behind the Predictive Liquid Democracy algorithm and has extensive experience in software development and economic modelling. Loke Hagberg has published books and papers on the application.

Yuliya Hagberg

Frontend developer and UI/UX-designer

She is from Ukraine and works in UX and design. Her main goal is inclusive, user-centered and beautiful design. She speaks five natural languages and writes in over five programming languages.



Jonas Hallgren

AI-safety expert and developer

AI Safety Specialist and developer. Jonas has helped in redeveloping Predictive Liquid Democracy to fit an AI implementation.



DD logo

The Association for Digital Democracy

A non-profit organisation that aims to support, promote and improve democracy throughout society.

Website: https://digitaldemocracy.world/