DOOF (Data Ownership Orchestration Framework) is a groundbreaking project aimed at revolutionizing personal data governance and establishing the groundwork for a resilient data economy. At its core, DOOF introduces a versatile framework that promotes the development of privacy-enhancing technologies, ensuring compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Act, thus, enabling individuals to control their data rights effectively. The mission of DOOF is to foster trust and transparency in the digital ecosystem by providing individuals with the tools to manage their personal data easily and securely. By streamlining the deployment of user-friendly, GDPR-compliant data exchanges across various sectors, DOOF offers a practical solution for data management challenges.

DOOF’s key components include a set of software development kits (SDKs), libraries, and smart contracts. Additionally, the project features a smart-home device configuration tool and a web-based data exchange platform, which streamline complex data management for users, enhancing their engagement and facilitating adoption. One of DOOF’s primary advantages is its adaptability and scalability. The project leverages APIs for swift integration into existing software ecosystems, ensuring efficient, sector-wide deployment while optimizing cost-effective system integration. With DOOF, we are laying the foundation for a resilient and transparent data economy where individuals have greater control over their data, fostering trust, regulatory compliance, and ultimately, a more user-centric and secure digital landscape.



Currently open to the TrustChain community only. Reach out if you need access.


Elena Pasquali

Ecosteer CEO & Co-Founder, a business leader with a strategic mindset and a track record of driving organizational success in technology and business.

Daniel Grazioli

Ecosteer CTO and Co- Founder with deep ICT expertise, responsible for overseeing the company's technological strategy and innovation.

Gabriele Sankalaite

Technical Project Manager, bridging software development know-how with strategic project oversight for resilient solution delivery.

Daniele Scanferlato

Brand Director, shaping brand identity and product experience through expert visual communication and UX/UI design.

Georgiana Bud

Software Engineer, adept in crafting scalable, modular, and secure software, combining development skills with a sharp analytical mindset.

Giada Zanatta

Business Development Director, fostering Ecosteer’s growth and innovation through strategic business development and corporate partnerships.



Ecosteer is a software startup in the field of data ownership. Its technologies allow data intermediaries to decentralize data visibility control into the hands of rightful data owners – i.e. individuals or businesses – minimizing costs and legal liabilities related to consent management. This innovative, decentralized approach to consent management enables data exchanges that are Data Act and GDPR compliant by design.


sidera logo

Sidera ICTease

Technology provider specialising in comprehensive IT infrastructure solutions and Business Intelligence services.


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Nexus TLC

Nexus TLC specialises in electronics, app development and web technologies in ICT and TLC sectors, with a special focus on IoT.
