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AI-MetaBloQ is a DLT-Marketplace with a Reactive Artificial Intelligence Tool for the use cycle of data related to human biosamples. The DLT-Marketplace applies Blockchain technologies to the exchange of data in the field of human biospecimens and patient data, provides service exchange and data transfer services to all members of the chain. The incorporated AI tool produces real time quality assessment of biosamples with simultaneous prediction of appropriate secondary use for a given research activity. 

The system contains the creation of AI-MetaBloQ platform, includes a “Distributed Ledger Technology” online Marketplace that promotes sharing of data, characterizing biosamples and patients, distributing trust between entities in the biosample usage chain, in a regulatory compliant manner, acting as a decentralized digital identity along with privacy preserving exploration of distributed sensitive medical data using strong collective encryption and Distributed Digital Identity. With AI-MetaBloQ, data sharing becomes a positive side effect of patient use and control of data, with a “Ledger of Me” approach. 

The goal is to be the standard in the Biobanking industry. AI-MetaBloQ includes a smart tool, based on Reactive Artificial Intelligence, with the aim of fully developed, interoperable, synchronized and ontologically unified Quality Management of biospecimens of human origin, which automatically ranks biospecimens in terms of qualitative completeness, depending on pre-analytical data collected in real time from different sources and entities and simultaneously predicts and recommends the suitability of the selected biospecimens by researchers for their research activities, as well as their individual derivatives, depending on the type of research activities set from the beginning. AI-MetaBloQ’s Reactive AI engine observes live actions of members of the usage chain and reacts to them. The smart engine narrows down choices of biospecimens for research use based on how it rates their handling and quality.


Panagiotis Katsaounis

Serial Entrepreneur and Medical Geneticist

Desislava Ivanova

Molecular biologist, expert in Biobanking

George Gerovasilis

Engineer, deep knowledge in deep tech

Konstantinos Votis

Professor, Tech-manager and senior researcher

Alexandros Fridas

Strong developing skills, strong experience


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Unlock the value of human biosamples