TrustChain Open Call 2 results: funding 15 new projects to build the Next Generation Internet!

Meet the 15 teams that will define, upgrade/extend the state-of-the-art in creating trustworthy online platforms that preserve user’s data privacy and provide strong data governance frameworks.     As the result of the Open Call #2 with focus on “User Privacy and Data Governance”, 15 teams were selected based on their ideas, knowledge, skills and growth vision […]

TrustChain Open Call 2 webinar #2

Calling all developers, innovators, researchers, SMEs and entrepreneurs! €1.989.000 will be distributed among (up to) 17 selected projects! Trustworthy online platforms that preserve user’s data privacy and provide strong data governance frameworks are the focus of this TrustChain Open Call 2 (OC2) on “User Privacy and Data Governance”. The Webinar #2 was held on Monday, […]

TrustChain Open Call 2 webinar #1

Calling all developers, innovators, researchers, SMEs and entrepreneurs!   €1.989.000 will be distributed among (up to) 17 selected projects! Trustworthy online platforms that preserve user’s data privacy and provide strong data governance frameworks are the focus of this TrustChain Open Call 2 (OC2) on “User Privacy and Data Governance”. The Webinar #1 is held on […]

Press Release: TrustChain Open Call #2 is open to applications!

TrustChain project started in January 2023 to address the inherent challenges within the current centralised Internet architecture that is not transparent to the user, does not protect the privacy-by -default and does not scale well through 5 Open Calls and an overall budget of €8,775M.  Trustworthy online platforms that preserve user’s data privacy and provide […]