
A group of ethical internet activists, members of the Pangea.org organisation, are co-developing an identity management system for marginalised and internet activist communities. The system is built by mature communities with their internet infrastructure and services organised as a commons. They want to self-manage their digital content and circular digital devices. The system should allow users of multiple organisations to manage their online identities and activate, access, manage, and share the costs (invoicing) of community-centred internet services and devices according to their identity profile. The system development uses and is open-source software. The system should be evaluated and disseminated to other communities. The system is designed to be trustworthy and to preserve personal privacy. It should be aligned with decentralised identity models, including considering EIDAS and building on existing and emerging digital identity technology solutions, but adapted to the target and other similar communities of practice. The software system should be co-designed by the end-user community and co-developed including a team of developers and researchers from Pangea and UPC. The system, extended with decentralised digital identity according to the community of practice needs, has the potential to significantly impact the lives of communities involving marginalised citizens working on digital services and circular devices. The system should also help to promote trust, decentralisation and privacy online in more efficient and scalable communities. 

Website: Pangea.org/trustchain 


Leandro Navarro

Leandro is a professor at UPC.EDU, digital activist on the social and environmental use of internet and distributed ledger technologies for good if that were possible.

Lorena Merino

Lorena Merino is dealing with support and relationship with members, answering their questions, problem solving, advice, coordination, participation and consulting with them. In addition, she handles many administrative tasks for the entity.

Mildred Sarmiento

Mildred Sarmiento is a software engineer specialised in Agile software development and quality assurance. As Scrum Master I focus on helping the team to embrace and adopt the agile mindset, its principles and practices for ensuring effective outcomes, creating and evolving a culture of collaboration, responsibility and continuous improvement.

Jorge Pastor

Jorge Pastor is a Pangea technician who shares tasks with Noemí, responsible for solving the technical problems of the members, as well as designing, programming and/or implementing new applications and tools both to improve and expand Pangea's services.

Noemi Costa

Noemi Costa is one of the pangea technician who share the tasks of maintaining, designing, developing and implementing new solutions and tools to improve the experience of our members, and of course help them with the little technical problem that sometimes arise.

Santiago Lamora

Santiago Lamora Subirá is a Software engineer, specialist on developing webapps based on Django (Python).

Paco Cascón

Paco Cascón is Pangea’s president, expert in education for peace and conflict resolution, and informatics teacher. On a voluntary basis, he performs various tasks in the projects carried out by the entity and collaborates in some of the day-to-day work.



Pangea is a private, independent non-profit organisation founded in 1993 to promote the strategic use of communication networks and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for development and social justice and to become a tool to help meet the objectives of social groups, organisations and social movements in the local context.

Website: www.pangea.org

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

UPC is a public higher education and research institution, specialising in architecture, engineering and technology.

Website: www.upc.edu