
DidRoom is an open-source multiplatform and multifunctional Identity DID/SSI wallet, compliant with the W3C-DID and W3C-VC standards and with the current “The European Digital Identity Wallet Architecture and Reference Framework” (EUDI – ARF, version 1.0.0 from January 2023) which is the technical core of the eIDAS 2.0 regulation. DidRoom will also have advanced cryptographic and blockchain functions, including signatures, multi-signatures and blockchain interoperability (for Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric and Sawtooth, and Planetmint)

DidRoom is based on a stack of open-source components and middlewares implemented by the Dyne.org Foundation during several H2020 and EC-funded research projects. The relevant components of the Zenroom ecosystem are:

  • The cryptographic virtual machine “Zenroom”: a multi-platform virtual machine for
    cryptography (signatures, hashes, multisignature, zero knowledge proof, quantum proof cryptography) blockchain interoperability (Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric and Sawtooth, Bitcoin, Planetmint), that supports W3C-DID and W3C.VC natively – https://zenroom.org/
  • Dyne.org’s W3C-DID implementation: a federated 4-levels W3C-DID method, supporting multiple storage mechanisms (filesystem, databases, blockchains, Git, IPFS) with a builtin explorer. Intro: https://forkbomb.eu/products/w3c-did/ repo:
    https://dyne.github.io/W3C-DID explorer: https://explorer.did.dyne.org/
  • Zenswarm: blockchain oracle technology built for blockchain interoperability and offchain cryptography, with a built-in off-chain consensus algorithm, using Zenroom at its core and developed within the EBSI PCP, intro: https://forkbomb.eu/products/zenswarmrepo: https://github.com/dyne/zenswarm
  • Signroom: Open source, modular, easy to extend, web-based service, leveraging Zenroom’s cryptographic capabilities, allowing users sign documents and objects, using W3C-DID identities.

    Website: www.forkbomb.solutions/solution/didroom/


Andrea D’Intino

CEO and co-founder of Forkbomb BV

Denis “Jaromil” Roio

CTO and co-founder of Forkbomb BV

Puria Azizi Nafisi

CTO and co-founder of Forkbomb BV


Forkbomb BV

Leading the way in cryptographic solutions for a safer digital world.

Website: www.forkbomb.eu